Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Santiago Chile
December 2015

In the southern hemisphere, nothing says it's the start of summer quite like the outbreak of Christmas decorations!

Gran Torre Santiago, the tallest building in Latin America
(And one of those dang American fast food chains getting in the way)

Iglesia de la Divina Providencia, Santiago (ca. 1890) has been tarted up since the top of the bell tower was toppled by an earthquake in 2010
(Click here for a picture taken after the quake)

There are no Eiffel Towers or Big Bens around here, but Gustave Eiffel did design Santiago's Central Railway Station (pictured below, in 1999)

Another capital idea for a street name

No need to be homesick even when this far from home

Authorized or plagiarized? Your guess is as good as mine.
The letter style, orange colour, even the offset, is exactly the same as the well-known (crap) chain in Ontario:

I'm betting it's a way for the owners to write off international travel as a "business expense"

Cuidado con el perro
(Beware of the dog)

Stones fans of Santiago will get Satisfaction in the Stadium very Soon
(Yes, they're Still touring!)

German biergartens - they're everywhere! Especially in Santiago 🇨🇱
(After all, Chile is "the Germany of South America", according to The Economist magazine)
The locally brewed Tauss Bräu is definitely German-style,
I can attest to that after a couple ... a couple dozen!
Unfiltrierte Braukunst (German for 'Unfiltered art of brewing') - says so right on the glass!
Pictures taken at Kleine Kneipe - German for 'Little Pub'
Still, you have to order in Spanish

Getting carried away with the 'Photo Booth' app on the Mac
Click here for pictures taken in Buenos Aires on this trip
Click here for more pictures of Santiago, and the rest of Chile, in 1999