Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken Around Madagascar
November 2018

Crowned Lemurs

Laid-back Crowned Lemur

The nocturnal Northern Sportive Lemur - sleeps during the day with it's eyes open

The alien-like glowing ears are just a fluke caused by being sunlit from behind

The Indri Lemur does not survive in captivity and is difficult to get close to in the wild

On the other hand, the Ring-tailed Lemur does survive in captivity (if there is free wifi)

Another text message?!

What are you looking at?

Who let this paparazzo into our enclosure? It's like a zoo in here!

Ring-tailed Mongoose

Tsingy Rary : sharp karst formation from weathered limestone/dolomite
"Tsingy" is a Malagasy word meaning "walk on tiptoe" or "where one cannot walk barefoot" (that's how sharp!)

Suspension bridge across the tsingy

Red Tsingy : from eroded red laterite

When they said they have the Giant Atlas Moth, they weren't kidding!

Bats too!
They were hanging upside down, as bats are wont to do,
so I turned the pictures around 180° because they're more fun to look at this way!

Well if it isn't the Geico Gecko!
I just knew this hotel was a celebrity hangout!!

And now, a whole bunch of chameleon pictures:

Mmm - Grasshopper!

Another way to look at northern Madagascar:

Just ask for "une tay-ash-bey, s'il vous plait"

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