Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Namibia
March 2016
Das ist Afrika? Jawohl! Namibia is clean, orderly ... and eferybody obeys der Rechtsordnung.
Especially here in Swakopmund, isolated in a remote and almost forgotten corner of the continent.
Germany was the colonial power from 1884 until seized in 1915 and formally removed by the League of Nations after losing the First World War.
Though Germany lost this last African colony 100 years ago, the Germans never left. Ach so?

Here we are on Kaiser Wilhelm Ave near Bismarck Str.

Swakopmund Lighthouse

On the right, The Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Church

Essen, trinken, sei fröhlich

Das Boot

Weizen vom fass. Alles gut.

Barmädchen ready to take your orders.
Because orders are orders.

On the menu, it's called "Game Goulasch with Spätzle". On the computer-printed bill, it's written "Wild Ragout". If you ask, it's "Zebra Goulasch".
Any way you say it, it's very good. Huge. Heavy. Hearty. Heart Attack.
(But would it pass the rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz?)

Brauhaus Panorama (scroll right →)
Für das freundschaftsbeziehungen und der gemütlichkeit.
Swakopmund über alles!

South Atlantic beachfront properties at sunset
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