Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Western Samoa and Niue
April 2004
Pictures from Western Samoa:
Slogan: The Heart of Polynesia
Located about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii

Apia, capital of Western Samoa

Lots of churches

Samoans wearing their Sunday best on Sunday

Like in Hawaii, they use the friendly shaka sign

The traditional Samoan home is the open-air "fale".
While they do have shutters or plastic sheets to roll down for privacy or rain,
they're not used much because of the heat & humidity - better to let the little breeze in.

Sopoaga Waterfall

Pictures from Niue, a single-island country:
Slogan: The Rock of Polynesia
Smallest self-governing state in the world (population under 2000)
Located east of Tonga, south of Samoa, and west of the Cook Islands

The view from my resort hotel balcony

Typical Niue coast: uplifted coral

Very clear water in Niue

Probably the smallest, quietest international airport in all my travels
(just one flight per week, from Samoa only)

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