Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Jordan
April 2005

At the end of the Siq*, a glimpse of what is to come
*The 1.2 km long narrow gorge that leads to Petra

First of much to see at Petra
This one is called The Treasury

Nabatean guard, Petra

This one is called The Monastery
It's a long walk up - about 1000 steps to get to it -
or you could hire a donkey like I did!
Elsewhere in Jordan:

Part of 6th Century Greek mosaic map of biblical places
(Total size about 20m x 6m)
Found in floor of Greek Othodox church, located in Madaba, south of Amman

It's true what they say about the Dead Sea!

Entertaining schoolgirls in 1st century Roman theatre
located at Jerash, north of Amman


Vaulted corridor, Kerak Castle (ca. 12th century)

More Greek mosaics

The view from my camel in Wadi Rum, Southern Jordan

A camel is The Better Way in the desert

Lawrence of Arabia - among others - filmed here

Bedouin tea time

One of many rock bridges in Wadi Rum
Click here for pictures taken in Dubai on this trip
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