Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Ireland and Isle of Man 2012

Baily Lighthouse as seen from the Cliff Walk at Howth (near Dublin)

Ashford Castle, County Mayo

Ashford Castle was built by Anglo-Normans in 13th century, owned by Guinness family 1852 to 1939, after which it was turned into a first class hotel

The front of Ashford Castle (pro shot)

Ross Errily Abbey (14th century)

Kylemore Abbey

Kylemore Abbey was originally a castle built 1867 by a wealthy English businessman and politician, but he had to sell it by 1903.
From 1920 to 2010 it was used by Benedictine nuns running a boarding school.
It has only been open to the public since 1993.

Gothic Church at Kylemore Abbey

My Dublin home away from home

A beer and a book in a bar and I'm happy

It's hardware for doors, silly

Tim Hortons in Dublin convenience stores: Is this the best we can export to Ireland?!

Quiet day in Galway, on the west coast of Ireland

Galway pub about to open

Off with his head!

Not only is this location famous for being taken over by the man who chopped off the head of Charles I,
Mayor Lynch is famous for hanging his own son - they say that's why "lynch" is another word for hanging.
Oh, and Captain Boycott lived near here (1832-97) - an Englishman that charged such high rents his Irish tenants, well, boycotted him.

Judging by this fine pint of Guinness, I'd say The King's Head Pub knows a thing or two about a good head!

Plenty of snappy Irish sayings to choose from for your car

Hard to believe, but in 2012 it looked like Justin Bieber's 15 minutes of fame was almost up!
You too, Jedward

That's including tax - and no tipping, ya big numpty!

Another fine Galway pub for craic agus ceol (fun and music)
Isle Of Man pictures
Self-governing crown dependency in the Irish Sea
(Visited by ferry en route between Liverpool and Dublin)

A section of the Promenades that stretches the length of Douglas, capital of Isle Of Man

World's oldest surviving horse tram service (since 1876), so they say

Other ways to ride the rails (as seen from a double-decker bus)

The Isle Of Man flag

The Isle Of Man pound

The Isle Of Man beer
Click here for more pictures of Ireland (2005)
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