Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Dubrovnik Croatia, Corfu Greece,
and the Western Balkans
May 2009

Dubrovnik (Croatia) from the air

Dubrovnik from the ground

Hard to believe almost all the roofs in Dubrovnik were destroyed by 7 months of shelling in 1991-92 (Bosnian war)

A pause during the walk around Dubrovnik's walls

Parts of Dubrovnik outside the walls are not too shabby either

View of Dubrovnik from Mount Srd ("Serge") where it was shelled from

The Stari Most ("old bridge") at Mostar (which means...old bridge) in Bosnia-Herzegovina
No longer old - the original stood over 400 years and survived many wars but was destroyed in 1993 during the Bosnian war
- now rebuilt to the original specifications

The view from the bridge

The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon in Kotor, Montenegro
On the site of a church built 809, this cathedral was consecrated in 1166 but rebuilt 1667 after an earthquake
Making this year, 2009, the 1200th anniversary

Sveti Stefan (Montenegro) "small islet and 5-star hotel resort on the Adriatic coast"

Ali Pashe of Tepelena - Ottoman ruler - photographed in Albania's capital, Tirana

The Old Fortress (Corfu, Greece) as seen from my hotel room at dusk

Another way to look at the Old Fortress

The "Liston" Esplanade is all cafes and full of coffee drinkers every evening

The view of the esplanade from Cafe Au Chocolat

What'll it be?

Does this help?

Not thinking about work in Budva (Montenegro), with a "Nik Dark"
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