Ted's Excellent Pictures Taken In Germany 2007

The Berliner Dom (cathedral) on a sunny Sunday

The Reichstag (federal parliament building since reunification)

The Reichstag looks great from where I'm sitting!

Charlottenburg palace, Berlin.

Inside the Charlottenburg palace.
I could get "throne out" for doing this!

Monbijou park and the Spree river look pret-ty good from where I'm sitting!

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin

Schloss Bellevue, Berlin

Hamburg Rathaus (city hall)

Travelling man's lunch: Weissebier and bowl of goulash soup, at the corner of
Hamburg red light district's Reeperbahn and Grosse Freiheit (steeped in Beatles lore)

Der Beatles were a quintet when they roamed these streets
(John, Paul, George, Stu & Pete)

Holstentor (gate) at Lubeck (near Hamburg)
St Marien (l) and St Petri (r) churches in the background

Lubeck's Rathaus looks better from where I'm sitting!

Recently rebuilt Dresden Frauenkirche ("Church of Our Lady")
Had been destroyed by the WW2 fire bombing of Dresden, left that way by the DDR

Coldtiz town, near Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Schloss Colditz, famous as a special POW camp (sonderlager)
for the most persistent Allied officer escapers during WW2
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